Thorsønn is a family owned furniture company based in Oslo, Norway. Jennifer, an interior architect, and Halvor, an industrial designer, design and produce pieces that functionally satisfy our needs, yet aesthetically meet our taste for simplicity in design, sustainability and craftsmanship in production.
The Story
Curious about who we are? Founders Halvor Thorsen and Jennifer Valone Thorsen tell you all about it in this video, from the history of Thorsønn to our design principles and values.
Fille Collection
Our accessories collection made with ”fille” or scraps from post-production waste materials. The collection is inspired by a collaboration with Norwegian fashion house Lillunn and Norwegian Fashion & Textile Agenda.
En hyttetomt tusen meter over havet, uten vintervei, vann og strøm. Kanskje ikke det mest populære søket på finn.no - men drømmen for Jennifer og Halvor!